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Foley – ‘Anything Before You’

“Lets just stay in the mood/ It’s getting harder to remember anything before you”

Coming back with their colourful and signature burst of power pop, rising New Zealand indie-pop duo Foley are set to release their buoyant five-track EP Vacation tomorrow, featuring the stand out single Anything Before You. After gaining a staggering amount of support in their home country; over the last several years, Foley have been going from strength to strength and seen their recent releases reach incredible worldwide status, racking up an impressive 5 million+ Spotify streams. The next chapter in their exciting musical journey, we can’t wait for the release of Vacation tomorrow! So make sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled for the newest addition to Foley’s sonic collection. 

The stand out single of their exciting forthcoming EP, Anything Before You is a dazzling slice of indie power pop that delivers a universal and relatable narrative as they look at the excitable rush of a new love. Told through skilled lyricism and lead singer Ash Wallace’s stunning vocals, that float effortlessly above the funk-laden melody, the song wraps you in a mesmerizing world that has brightened and now dazzles through the discovery of romance and love. Giving off their classic and irresistible sound and energy; the vibrant soundscape is filled with thrumming basslines, up-tempo percussive beats and a distinctively groovy vibe; immersing you with a glimmering sonic world and addictive instrumental that will no doubt been stuck in your head for weeks to come. 

“Anything Before You was a chance to check ourselves and affirm what we were both feeling – that it’s OK to feel overwhelmed by your emotions and feel like your life has been reorientated with someone else. As much as there’s power in being confident by yourself, there’s definitely power in accepting someone else and it’s reassuring to embrace that new reality for no reason other than the fact it makes you feel good”.