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Kierra da Goddess brings indie infused singles ‘From The Manic Pixie Dream Girl’ and ‘it’s ok to change’

Kierra da Goddess latest offering comes in the form of two singles ‘From The Manic Pixie Dream Girl’ and ‘it’s ok to change’ showcasing her versatility.

‘it’s ok to change’ is the calmer of the two and provides us with Kierra’s vulnerable side. The track includes heavenly vocal melodies and stripped-back guitars, held together by an infectious groove. Kierra presents her vocals with emotion but it hits the listener softly and ebbs and flows between the background melodies.

‘From The Manic Pixie Dream Girl’ is a ball of energy compared to ‘it’s ok to change.’ Guitars with a hint of distortion pierce through the mix, her soft vocals are present but she also showcases her sonic vocal power and attitude in abundance. Speaking about the track she says: “I wrote ‘From the manic pixie dream girl’ about being made into a joke after telling a lot of jokes. It’s a rage song for people who have my humour style.”

With genres slowly being eradicated, it’s more useful than ever to create versatile music and Kierra da Goddess does just that. With each release she keeps improving and we can’t wait to see what happens next.